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Mike Pirie

Mike Pirie is on the mend and came to Aston Down today (26 April) for several flights.


Use of Track as a Short-cut

It has come to the Committees attention that an ever increasing number of members, some very senior, are using the track by the caravans as a short cut to the cross runway / peri track. This must STOP immediately. The farmer has kindly allowed us to use this track for the purposes of towing gliders only and all other use is against the agreement. The farmer will not tolerate continued abuse of this privilege. If we lose this track for the tow out of gliders then it will be very inconvenient for everyone. If you have any queries, please speak to a member of the Committee.

Even more simulator progress

Chris H (and Chris G, out of shot fitting the potentiometers to the control rods) hard at work fitting out the cockpit...


Simulator progress

The priming and paint work on the simulator was completed by Chris Huck last weekend with impressive results! Work can now begin on fitting the instrument flat screen and the switch panel, together with the final connections for the potentiometers (the interface between the controls and the joystick controller). When we can get the wiring complete, we're hoping to perform the "first flight" towards the end of the easter weekend.


Lara's first solo


Lara Small with instructor Richard Kill after her first solo

Norway wave camp

David Roberts has again been to the wave camp at Vågå.
Vågå wave camp
More pictures here. See if you can spot David pretending to be a glider.

Evening Lectures

Start time for the lectures is 7.15.

Richard Kill has offered to lay on nibbles for £3 per head.

Date Subject Instructor Content Notes
20th March Bronze and Beyond CFI
Geoff Dixon

Maps and Navigation
Basic Meteorology

3rd April Safety Evening CFI
Tim Barnes
Mike Randle

General lecture
Soaring Protocol
Human Performance

24th April Cross Country Gliding Paul Gentil
Robin Birch
Flight Planning
1st May Cross Country Gliding Doug Gardner
Chris Gough
Flying Faster
PDA’s and loggers
8th May Competition Gliding Andy Cockerell Flying your first comp
15th May Bronze and Beyond John McWilliam Use of Radio
29th May Meteorology Geoff Dixon Basic Principles
Better Forecasting
12th June Guest Lecture Guest
26th June Principles of Flight Don Brookman Principles of Glider Flight
10th July Glider Instruments and Construction Robin Birch Flight Instruments
Glider Design and Construction
24th July Wave, Ridge and Mountain Flying John McWilliam Flying in Wave
Flying ridges
Mountain Flying

Club awards for 2008

G. H. Daniel's Trophy - awarded for the ‘Best Cross Country Flight’
Doug Gardner - For his 500km flight (AST-Gainsborough –Gransden Lodge-AST)

Bleaken Trophy – awarded for the ‘Best Height Gain’
Eugene Lambert - 10,840’ gain to 12,750 (Gold) at Eden Soaring 

Oldham Trophy – awarded for the Best Competition Finish
Brian Birlison - 2nd in 20m 2-seat Nationals; 25th in 15m Nats; 24th in 18m Nats,

Ron Hurcombe Tankard – awarded for the ‘Best Flight by an over 65 ‘
Ken Lloyd - For his 445 km flight (AST-Husbands Bosworth-Frome-Edgehill-AST)

Akehurst Trophy – awarded for ‘Best Junior Achievement ‘
Sam & Max Lazenby - this includes £25 each from the Dick Goldup/John Mardon Funds.

MacFadyen Trophy – awarded for ‘Best 2 seater flight’
Darren Edge and Mike Weston - For the first completed cross country task flight in a PW-6 (206km) 

Club Ladder Trophy
Doug Gardner - for winning with 12,370 points

Rita Holland trophy - awarded for the ‘Best Pre-Silver Flight’
Adrian Giles - for completing 5 hours (sadly, without a logger)

M.Weston Trophy for significant service to Cotswold Gliding Club
Simon Buckley

White Stick – Awarded for the most meritorious act of forgetfulness.
Eugene Lambert - for setting off for the flight home and forgetting to leave his car keys to allow his syndicate partner to bring the car and trailer home.

University of the West of England

Cotswold Gliding Club is proud to support the University of the West of England Gliding Club which also operates at Aston Down.
Their website can be found at and they can be contacted at


2008 Roll of Honour

First Solo

Ben Blackledge
Paul Heaven
Howard Woodward
Helena Gardner
Adam Vines
Tony Chapman
Chris Foster
Sarah Brown
Alex Mazzoleni

Bronze Badge

Tom Gardner
Ben Blackledge
Andrew Bailey

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