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Saturday 25th June - Rockpolishers Competition

A bit windy for a comp, but spurned on by John McWilliam's boundless optimism the Rockpolishers were sent off to run the cloud streets from Castle Combe to Birdlip. The pilots had to batter their way into a 20knot headwind, but then enjoyed downwind legs at warp speed. Elliot Apperley and Tom Gooch joined in the fun in the DG500, doing a lap at 104km/h. Congratulations to the winners: Novice: Dan Hayday (Cotswold), Intermediate: Ben Payne (BGGC) and Pundit: Greg O'Hagan (BGGC). Many thanks to John for his task setting and Matt Page for scoring.
Ben Hilsenrath was kept busy providing extended flights in the club K21 and we were pleased to welcome a contingent from Nympsfield with their K21.
All in all a pretty good day.

Flying today cancelled

Very brisk and gusty wind, and although straight down the runway, it's felt that safe operation would be difficult so we've decided to scrub both Rockpolisher and Club flying today.

Sunday 19th June

The competition set up on the grid at the south end of runway 03 in the hope that weather would allow one last task. PE took off to check thermal strength and cloudbase while K21 LRT did club flying by aerotow. We’ll done to George for tripling the number of solo Aerotows in his log book. Chris took his daughter for her first flight and Jack did one of the shortest 2000 foot Aerotows I’ve ever seen with duty instructor Geoff; 10 minutes from start of run to landing. It was Jack's 3rd and the first one handled from the start of the launch. Next week back to “normal” operations with possibly good gliding weather forecast for Monday to Thursday.

PS a Vole has set up family home on the airfield. Now marked by a cone and stake.

Friday 17th June

Winching from the front of the grid this morning. Small crew with one K21.

Wednesday 15th June

Short competition task today so no club flying in the time between launch and finishers. We flew this evenng to do some BI training in a beautiful evening sky.

Pictures are: Tripple finishers landing together, K21 on tow and K21 landing after the last flight of the evening.

Tuesday 14th June

8 Club launches today before and after the competition grid was launched. Longest flight was 700+ km! The Arcus flew the standard class task, taking in a view of the preparations at Glastonbury on the way. Sam, our course instructor, flew an aerotow trip in the club’s DG500.

KNK the adventure so far

KNK at 17:00 hrs. Passing Malvern.

PS at update at 18:00 … they got back!

X Country coaching

Doug and Alistair about to depart on a cross country adventure.

Sunday 12th June

The talk about going for the electric air speed record the night before was a really interesting insight into how a dedicated team with a single goal can produce results and not be distracted. It was a great team effort and we’ll worth seeing Phill’s presentation.

Sunday saw a perfect competition launch starting at around 11:00 with everyone going on long tasks. That left us free to do a few Aerotows in the K21 with a small band of club members being flown by Tim Barnes and Geoff Dixon. Flights of up to one hour in nice soaring conditions and local cloudbase 3400 above site. Last landing at 4:30 just in time for the competition finishers to start arriving. If you’re around next weekend then come up to the club and see the action for yourself.

Date for your Diary - Saturday 11th June – Breaking the World Electric Speed Record

We are pleased to announce that we have Phill O’Dell at the club on the evening of Saturday the 11th of June @ 7.30PM to give a talk on Breaking the World Electric Speed Record

He set the world record for the fastest electric vehicle flying ’The Spirit of Innovation’, an electric plane developed by Rolls-Royce in conjunction with Gloucestershire-based firm, Electroflight, and YASA, a Mercedes-Benz owned UK firm.

An absolutely fascinating insight, Phill’s talk will take you through the trials and tribulations of being at the forefront of innovation and how the world record was smashed earlier this year.

This is being held at the club on the first weekend of the Nationals competition. If you wish to eat at the club beforehand you will need to check if you need to book in the clubhouse for food. Bar will be open afterwards.

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